Another blog?!



Hey there! This is the first entry for my blog! yeay!! haha.. hopefully I can keep updating my blog and hopefully this is my last personal blog. Because  actually I have many attempt in creating a personal blog. But being busy juggling between study and part time job make it difficult to maintain a blog.. So why do I want to start blogging again? I find that blog is one of the appropriate medium for me to share my experience, my humble knowledge, reviews, and also one of the way for me to preserve my precious moments.

In this first post for this blog, I pledge to never write and share any negative post and I will be responsible with every post that I share. After all, why spread hateful and anger when you can spread the love, right?

With this first entry it would be appropriate for me to introduce myself. My name is Noor Izzati Bte Ariff, my close friends call me Ezat, so that is why I use ezatariff for the URL. I use the name since my primary school. Almost every year, there is another Izzati in the class. So to avoid confusion, people call me Ezat. The nickname also has a meaning in Arabic language. Ezat means strength. Thus, until this time I still carry the name..

Currently I am a UTM Master student, I study Educational Technology. People always ask me what Educational Technology is all about. So before you ask, let me give you an idea of my course. As the name stated, my course is about using technology in education field. We are dealing with research on the effective ways of using multimedia and technology in education, the development of educational website, the development of courseware, the use of resource center in school, and all that.

I think that is all for the first entry. You can know me better through out my posting later. And a little heads up, I think sometimes I will write in Malay language, and sometimes in English. Semuanya bergantung kepada mood of the day and which language comes first in my mind. hehe.. So that's all for no, nice to meet you, readers and bloggers! ^^

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