My visit to Klinik Dr Ko JB



It's been a long time since my last post. However, these past  few months, I have major breakout in my face. I believe this is due to changes in my sleep time as i busy doing my work and keep awake until subuh before i sleep. As it happens in Ramadhan month, my diet is changes as well. So you see, changes in sleep time, diet, leads to imbalance hormones and i did not get my period for that month! I have high hope that the period is not coming due to pregnancy. Unfortunately, I am not pregnant. I have acne all over my face, mostly on my cheek area.  I never had a major breakout before. So the acne make me feel depressed, moral down, and lost my confidence.

I started google for reviews on skin clinic in JB. But not many article come out. Hence, I thought to share my experience here, to help anyone who are having the same issue with me.

After raya, I went to Klinik Dr Ko JB to get consultation. I just walked in to the clinic to meet with the Dr. The clinic is situated in Taman Pelangi in shoplot area. The building is quite old but you wont feel it once you get inside the clinic.

As I never go there before, I need to register first before they call up my name to the Dr room. After telling my story to the Dr, she said that she believed the breakout is due to my imbalance hormones. She advised me to treat my irregular period first. Because if she gives me the medicine for acne, but my period is irregular, probably the same problem will happen again.

Next, she asked me if I have plan to conceive. Of course I am. Then she told me that she can't give me medicine to stop the acne because it will mess with baby development. Plus, my period is irregular. What happen if she gave me the medicine that is harmful for the baby, and I did not realize that I was pregnant due to my irregular period cycle. Before I know it, the medicine has already affected the baby. There are many 'what if ' in our conversation as we are trying to find for the best solution to my problem.

At last, the Dr decided to give me only topical cream that i can put on top of my acne to make it heal faster. I was told to put the cream only on active acne that usually in form of redness on my face. Then I ask for an acne scar as well.

Overall, I have pleasant experience getting consultation from Klinik Dr Ko JB. RM50 is for the consultation only. The price for the medicine is quite expensive if you compare with the price of drugstore product. But i can assure u, it is very effective. The cream that has been prescribe to me, is the best acne cream that I've ever used.

They will not 'force' u to buy the medicine. It is up to u. U can just come for the consultation for RM50. I like the fact that the Dr is very honest with me regarding the treatment. She claimed that  most of the treatment they offered are not suitable for pregnant ladies. They even have a room that is forbidden for pregnant woman to enter, including their pregnant staff. Hence, the safest treatment is the topical cream.

This is not the kind of clinic that is just after your money. But they give you the best solution for your problem/situation. The Dr persuade me to  not go for treatment if I plan to have a baby because she insist that acne is just a surface problem and not a major health issue. So for now, I just using their cream.  Let's pray that i can survive this acne war and get my flawless face again.

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  1. Salam kenal awak..moh ler ke blog saya

  2. Hi! Someone recommended me to go to this clinic. And I stumbled upon your post. May I know... how did it turn out? Was your skin problem solved?

  3. Hi! Someone recommended me to go to this clinic. And I stumbled upon your post. May I know... how did it turn out? Was your skin problem solved?

  4. simon simon
    not all the Dr are specialist. had eye itch and swollen. treated the swell but did not diagnose well the itch and cause of it. hence still itchy and the issue prolonged. price is specialist price but GP prognosis. conclusion. better go to a specialist.
